We exist to

be disciples and equip disciples

Scripturally rooted

We believe God's Word must be the focus and foundation of all that we do. This is seen in the consistent exegetical and expository preaching during Sunday Gatherings and throughout various ministries. It is also our personal commitment to read and embody God's Word in our lives.

Relationally committed

We value deep relational commitment and investment from TGP members, people who are not just spectators but truly involved in one another's lives. This is seen consistently in Gospel Community groups, Volunteer Teams, and the deepening relationships formed within and beyond the walls of TGP.

Sacrificially minded

We are motivated by an eternal perspective and Christ's sacrifice for us. This is seen in how we put people over our privileges, preferences, and comfort, and in how we share the resources, time, and gifts God has given us to steward in this life.

Missionally driven

We carry on the rich history of being a globally missional church. This is seen in how we move out from our church into our neighborhoods, our city, our state, nation, and world. We intentionally re-orient our lives to the gospel and make choices to ensure that every man, woman, and child has an opportunity to respond to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Our Values

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The TGP Pathway

The TGP Pathway is intended to help us all move in the direction God is calling us: to be disciples and equip disciples.

When we are living as disciples and equipping disciples, our neighbors and our city will know us as God’s family of servant missionaries. This may be individuals engaging their neighbors and co-workers with the Gospel, Gospel Community groups engaging their neighborhoods, and even new churches planted to engage whole communities in new ways. Ultimately, we envision this will lead to a Gospel movement that engages every man, woman, and child in Onondaga County, NY.