We give
with an
eternal perspective
Sacrificially minded together
When you give, it is not alone, but it is a reflection of God’s gift to all of us. This is seen in how each of us at TGP put people over our privileges, preferences, and comfort, and in how we share the resources, time, and gifts God has given us to steward in this life.
Missionally driven giving
When you give, it is for a purpose and with a clear impact. This is seen in how we intentionally re-orient our lives to the gospel and make choices to ensure that every man, woman, and child has an opportunity to respond to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Each gift and contribution helps the impact move out from our church into our neighborhoods, our city, our state, nation, and world.
Accountable processes
TGP is a non-profit that is intentionally accountable and safeguards your contributions. Internally, both in-person and online contributions go through a thorough process with staff and elder oversight at each step of receiving, counting, depositing, and verifying the contribution. Annually, we receive an independent financial review by an outside, licensed accounting firm to verify and ensure that these processes are accomplishing their aim and funds are being used as claimed. You can give knowing that your contribution is secure and used properly for the Gospel-oriented mission that you intend to contribute to.