3. Your Gospel Story

Learn to tell stories shaped by God’s story.

We get to know each other by sharing our stories. What if people got to know God better by how we share our stories?

  • The story that shapes us is what we call “identity” — wouldn’t it be simple to share how God’s story shapes us?

  • The Story that shapes us is God’s story — would it be doable to share a story where He’s the “star” not us?

  • The Gospel Story changes everything in our stories — would it work to be honest about our flaws while making much of how He redeems them?

The story of God shaping yours.

The story of God can be summarized in four major movements: creation, fall, redemption, restoration. Take these four parts and tell an honest (not “spiritual,” church-language) story of what influenced your life before God, how you discovered Him, and how He has changed (and is changing) you.

  • Creation | Who or what most shaped your understanding of yourself? What was the source of your personal value or identity? Whether an event that shaped you, or the influence of family or friends, good or bad, there are surely things that shaped you before you became a disciple of Jesus.

  • Fall | How was your relationship with God and others not the way God intended it be? What was the outcome? Though it may feel risky or difficult, this is the reality we all share: brokenness. Whether relationships, health, addictions, or other choices, we engage in sin, feel its effects, and need redemption. It may also help here to think about how you tried to “fix” your life without Him, and what those effects were.

  • Redemption | How did you come to put your trust in Him to save you and restore your life to the way God intended it to be? How has your life been rescued by Jesus’ sacrifice? The good news of Jesus is always personal, and it shows up in the ways our life has been changed by Jesus. It may help to think about how you came to find out about Jesus and began to walk with Him. Was there a special person or community that helped you along the way?

  • Restoration | What has changed and what is changing in your life now? Who and what is the focus of your life today? Whether big or small, God is changing you, using you, and speaking to you. Be sure to include at least two examples of how the gospel is changing and re-creating you — how Jesus is at work in your everyday life!

Questions to discuss

Grab a blank sheet of paper and write a few thoughts in response to these questions. When you gather as a GC, you can draw on these responses in your discussion.

  • In the past, how have you told your “story” or “given your testimony”? How often have you shared it? Was it natural to others who heard it? What has been their response?

  • If you have shared that “story” before or have a written version, review it now — who is the hero of the story? If it’s been someone other than God, who or what was it? What could or should change about this?

  • When in your life have you seen the greatest intersections between God’s Story and your story? When were you most consistently turned to God for help and relationship?

  • When have you felt furthest from God? What was happening in your life?

Thoughts to engage

Grab a blank sheet of paper and write a few thoughts in response to these questions. These get more into your experience of the Gospel and may be something you can discuss with others in your GC.

  • How often in a regular day do you see yourself as part of God’s story? Why or why not? How can you see these connections more?

  • Spend time writing your story in light of the 4 movements of God’s story. Use the prompts provided to do so:

    • Creation | Who or what most shaped who you thought you were, and where you got your real value or “identity” from?

    • Fall | Why was your relationship with God and others (and anything else in your life) not the way it was supposed to be?

    • Redemption | How has Jesus paid the penalty for your sins (when He died on the cross)? How did you come to put your faith and trust in Him to save and restore your life to the way God intended it to be?

    • Restoration | What has changed and is changing in your life now? And who and what is the focus on your life today?

  • Don’t skip this work! It may feel like work now, but it will become more natural and “fluent” over time. In fact, help yourself get there by keeping it brief (3-5 minutes at most), and just use normal, everyday language (not “preachy” or “churchy” stuff. Don’t try to tell every truth about God or that’s in the Bible; just tell your story of how God and Jesus have invaded your own.


2. The Story


4. Gospel Listening