Discovery Bible Study

A sustainable approach to Scripture together.

A disciple-first approach to Scripture with contacts who are not yet following Jesus.

The answer for groups and for gospel growth.

Start to discover:

The Method

💡 Bottom Line

DBS is a simple method for discipleship that puts spiritually interested people in the best environment to engage in Scripture and discover Gospel truths for themselves.

🏆 The Goal

The goal of DBS is a repeatable discipleship process that anyone can do.

Each Discovery Bible Study (DBS) should follow the same simple approach. This lets exploring disciples get comfortable quickly and helps new disciples learn how to repeat the process with others.

🔁 The Process

Connect > Discover > Go

  • Start by connecting with a few simple questions

  • Discover the text and what God is saying to us

  • Go and live out this passage in a reproducing life

1. Connect

  • What are you thankful for?

  • What’s a challenge you’re facing?

  • How did you do with last week’s ‘I Will’ statement? (will make sense later)

  • Did you share what we talked about with anyone? (will make sense as you go)

2. Discover

  • Read the text (Sometimes 2x helps. Have someone put it in their own words before discussing the questions below.)

  • What stands out to you?

  • What does this text say about God?

  • What does this text say about people?

3. Go

  • How can you specifically live out this passage in the next few days? (Everyone creates an ‘I Will’ statement)

  • Who are you going to tell about what you discovered?

  • Pray together

Where to Start

💡 Bottom Line

DBS simply reads Scripture and lets the process of discipleship go to work. Below are sets of Scripture to start the process with.

Ideas for More

💡 Bottom Line

DBS simply reads Scripture and lets the process of discipleship go to work. Below are sets of Scripture to continue the process with, or to explore based on specific needs of those you’re reading with.

Need-based Options

The Whole Story

Growing Groups

A Closer Look

💡 Bottom Line

DBS is designed for discipleship — an experiential and action-oriented way of multiplying disciples and expanding the gospel’s impact. Here’s the why behind the method.

Discover the why behind the what: