Names & Faces

How we do identify who God is calling us to engage with His gospel?

Here’s how to know your mission.

Conversations to consider:

Conversation #1
Names & Faces

💡 Bottom Line

Our mission meets us everyday. God is calling us to engage the names & faces we interact with naturally and in our everyday relationships.

💬 Discuss the Misunderstandings

Which of these describe how you think and act?

  • One big conversation: we need to share the Gospel all at once

  • Stranger for the win: we need to share the Gospel with strangers around us

  • It’s on me: I am the one who must “win souls for Jesus” — pressure’s on!

💡 Explain Names & Faces

Names & Faces brings us to a natural and sustainable way of sharing the Gospel with others in our everyday lives.

Step 1 | Listen to the Spirit

  • Pray 30 minutes daily for one week

  • Ask God to lead you by His Spirit

  • Ask Him to bring to mind names & faces of people you live, work, and interact with in your everyday life

Step 2 | Share your Names & Faces

  • Focus on 2-3 names that God has called you to

  • Each person in GC focuses on their 2-3 names

  • Each person shares their names and their stories (2-3 minutes of how they know them, what they know of their life story, what they know of faith/religion)

Step 3 | Connect the Dots

  • Look for “crossover” in your patterns of life

    • Shared interests / commitments

    • Shared places / stops on the way

    • Possible ways to engage together

  • No crossover? Get intentional about making changes so that you do crossover

💬 Discuss

  1. How does this relate to the Identity Triangle?

  2. How does this reflect Jesus Himself? (Think “incarnation”)

  3. Are we all willing to try this?

⏭️ Commit to pray for 1 week then re-gather!

Conversation #2
Connect the Dots

💡 Bottom Line

The Gospel gives a clear example of who God is and what He has done to shape who we are and how we live in response.

🙋 Ask: who’s ready to discuss Names & Faces?

Recall the process:

  • Step 1: pray and listen to the Spirit

  • Step 2: share your Names & Faces

  • Step 3: connect the dots

💬 Discuss

In this discussion, be sure to:

  • 🙏 Start with prayer! Listen to the Spirit together

  • ⏳ Share for 2-3 minutes each. Be brief and clear on:

    • Who God put on your mind this week

    • How you came to know them

    • What you know of their life story / interests

    • What you know of their faith/religious background or experience

  • 📌 Connect the dots! Find places you crossover in interests, places you frequent, or things you enjoy. What are ways you can engage these names & faces together?

⏭️ Write these all down and share the list with one another. Commit to pray weekly and engage these names together!

Tool to Use:
10 Prayers to Pray

💡 Bottom Line

We may fail to pray because we aren’t clear on what to pray. This tool provides 10 prayers you can pray for non-believers.

🙋 Ask a Question: who struggles to know what to pray?

TIP: You could share this tool with the group to pray on their own, or you could pray these prayers together. Consider discussing them together or simply praying one prayer each week.

Download the Tool here

What do we do next?

💡 Bottom Line

Now that you have identified your mission, identify the tools to help you engage your mission well.

🙋 Ask a Question: who wants some help building relationships with our names & faces?

TIP: You could invite the group to share the ways they feel “under-equipped” to engage our names and faces. What skills do we feel we are lacking in? The response will help guide you to the next resources to discuss together.

💡 Tools to Consider

  • The Circle (how to build relationships with names & faces, how we proclaim Jesus in our relationships)

  • The Grid (how we live in ways that display the Gospel, how we turn everyday moments into Gospel opportunities)

  • The Gospel (what is the Gospel, how can we describe it simply)

  • The Droplet (Holy Spirit dependency, how do we keep listening to the Spirit as we go through our everyday)

⏭️ Identify your need? Dig into more via the toolbox.