Missions Weekend

We share the legacy of being a globally missional church.

Together, we move into our neighborhoods, workplaces, state, nation, and world to create opportunities for others to hear and respond to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Our Focus

You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. (Acts 1:8)

Jesus’ charge (quoted above) sent His disciples first to Jerusalem and Judea — their home base — and then to Samaria, the neighboring region. And as this mission extended from just a small gathering, it quickly echoed to the ends of the earth.

That’s why on this missions weekend, our focus is our gospel influence here at home in Syracuse, NY. From our Gathering Place to our neighbors, our nation, and to the world.

Throughout the weekend, we will connect you with partners and examples who are having a gospel impact where you live, work, and play.

Our Investment

We join the mission of God in our neighborhoods, nation, and world.

As “the body of Christ,” some of us live, work, and serve here in CNY, while others live, work, and serve around the world.

Whether here or there, we share in the body of Christ and His mission for that body.

Each Missions Weekend, we ask our church body to consider how we can sacrificially give to support the gospel in our community and globally.

How will you give this year?
Click below to give.

The Weekend’s Events