Launch Kit

Conversation 1

To start well, start with Identity.

  • “Who are we as a GC?”

  • “Why do we exist?”

  • “What will we do together?”

These are all questions of identity. Answer those today in conversation together.

Today’s Conversation


💡 Bottom Line

GC’s exist for and because of the Gospel. We define who we are and what we do by who God is and what He has done. Who He is makes us who we are.

📜 Read Together: Romans 1:16-17

TIP: Ask someone to read the passage for the group.

🙋 Ask a Question

TIP: As you hear that, what do you notice about the Gospel?

💬 Explain

The Gospel’s power changes our past, present, and future:

  1. Past = we have been saved from the penalty of sin (forgiveness from God!)

  2. Future = we will be saved from the presence of sin (He will return to reign!)

  3. Present = we are being saved from the power of sin (an opportunity to live free!)

So the Gospel includes the life we live now in light of what God has done and what God is doing for us.

⏭️ Who He is makes us who we are.

In a Picture

Our Identity reflects the Gospel

  • The Father has made us a family

  • Like the Son, we serve others

  • With the Spirit, we are sent like missionaries


💡 Bottom Line

To be a Gospel Community, and not just any “community,” we must embrace and live out this new identity as God’s family of servant missionaries.

📜 Read Together: Ephesians 2:4-10

TIP: Ask someone to read the passage for the group.

🙋 Ask a Question

TIP: We are clearly saved by God, but what else becomes clear?

💬 Explain

We are saved by God’s work for God’s work. We are expected to join the work of God’s family:

  • Bringing glory to God in all things

  • Equipping disciples who grow up into Christ

  • Living in light of the Gospel with others

⏭️ A disciple increasingly re-orients life around the Gospel. How can we re-orient around the Gospel together?

Pause to Discuss

  • How can we imitate or reflect the Father to others. He spared no expense to bring us in — how can we show His kindness and hospitality to others?

  • How can we imitate or reflect the Son to others. He served sick, sinners, and all of us — how can we bless others with His kind of serving?

  • How can we imitate or reflect the Spirit to others. The Spirit goes on God’s mission and ensures its spread — how can we go to others beyond us?

What would our GC look like, feel like, or sound like if we really got this identity-piece right?


💡 Bottom Line

In a Gospel Community, we practice our identity as God’s family of servant missionaries. Practice means we put intentional effort in with patience for results: we will try and do, fail and improve, together.

Every Gospel Community at TGP commits to:

  1. Draw on the Gospel for our identity, power, and purpose together

  2. Be a Family of Servant Missionaries together

  3. Picture and Proclaim the Gospel together

  4. Deepen Relationships within TGP and beyond TGP

🔗 PDF Version with full descriptions

Take Home

  • Activate and experience an idea from our conversation

  • Practical exercise called “Names + Faces”

  • 2 minute read to begin practicing


Come prepared for our next conversation!

Include the Kids!

⚙️ Suggested tools: paper or a paper roll; crayons or markers

🫱🏻‍🫲🏾 How to help: older kids help younger kids; all GC members can help too — the more involved, the better!

What about…if kids give “bad answers”? Affirm the good, adjust what’s wrong, add what’s missing.

💡 Bottom Line

The Gospel is how God offers to save every man, woman, and child through Jesus.

When we believe the Gospel, He saves us and shows us how to live like Him.

We picture that with a triangle that we can all draw and remember.

🔑 Key concept: What is the Gospel?

  • The Gospel is how God offers to save every man, woman, and child through Jesus.

  • The Gospel story in brief and simple language for children:

    • God gave us Jesus through an extra special birth called a “miracle.”

    • Jesus lived a life of all the best choices, what we call a “sinless life.”

    • Even though He made all the best choices, He was treated like people who make all the wrong choices. He let Himself be punished so that they can be forgiven.

    • Jesus died like all people do, but He did something no one else can do: He lived again! (We call this “resurrection,” and it means He is the special King who can save us.)

💡 Idea to discuss: What can we do?

  • When we believe the Gospel, it means Jesus lived His sinless life for us, even the bad choices we make.

  • He let Himself be punished so we can be forgiven too.

  • He lives again (resurrection!), so we can live a new life with Him too.

  • We can live a new life with each other! (Our GC and church family)

🖍️ Draw the Triangle

TIP: Did you know the Gospel shows us how to live that new life too? Can you draw a triangle?

  • Add the Trinity: “add Father at the top,” “Son at the bottom,” and “Spirit on the last corner.”

  • Explain their Identity: God our new Father, Jesus His Son, and the Spirit God sends to be with us and help us.

  • Process Together: for each member of the Trinity, ask “What is _____ like?”

🙋 Ask a Question

TIP: How can we treat each other like God treats us? (How can we act like Jesus when we’re together?)

ABLE TO DISCUSS MORE? Talk specifically about how we become a family of servant missionaries sent into our world. How can we do that together?

🙏 Pray together

TIP: Let’s pray together…