Key terms
Apprentices / Disciples
In the original language of the NT, “disciple” is a sort of student who learned hands-on and by experience of their rabbi or leader.
In other words, while we may think of students today as kids who sit in a classroom to hear and repeat knowledge-based lessons, that’s not what a disciple was or is. That’s why we’ll use the term disciple or apprentice:
Action-oriented follower and learner
Goal of living like Jesus lived
Takes regular practice and faith-driven action
Gospel Fluency
How we put the gospel into action by speaking, displaying, and applying the Gospel to life and conversation. We believe that people who can apply the truth of the gospel to ourselves, others, and any situation in life can lead to transformation of our community and world.
Gospel — the news that God has entered the world in Jesus Christ to achieve a salvation we could not achieve for ourselves
Fluency — speaking naturally and effectively at any time or in any situation
Gospel Identity
Identity is who we believe ourselves to be. A Gospel identity is the fullness of who God has made us to be through Jesus Christ.
Gospel — the news that God has entered the world in Jesus Christ to achieve a salvation we could not achieve for ourselves
Identity — who we believe ourselves to be thanks to Jesus who we hope and trust in for salvation
Gospel Listening
The ability to listen to others through the framework of the Gospel.
Our Stories reveal what we think is “good news” — what makes us who we are and what we hope in to fix things
Gospel Listening can identify what someone thinks is “good news” then deliver the true good news (gospel) to them