The Droplet

How can we be led by God daily?

How do we depend on the Holy Spirit in our everyday lives?

Conversations to consider:

Conversation #1
the Droplet

💡 Bottom Line

We live as people beloved by the Father, united with Jesus, and dependent on the Spirit. We ask God for His lead, then listen and obey.

💡 Explain

🙋 Ask: if God is the source of our identity, where could we go for help living it out?

CONSIDER: The question leads us back to our Source, but (1) how often do we go to the Source? And (2) how specifically do we do that? It may be helpful to let the discussion linger here so as to draw out each person’s head/heart/hands before continuing.

📜 Read Together: 1 Corinthians 2:6-16

TIP: Consider having everyone read a few verses so that everyone pays full attention.

💬 Discuss

  1. Wisdom & Will | Much ink is spilled on how to know God’s will or what’s best to do next. How does this text cut through much of that confusion and talk?

  2. Scripture & Spirit | Some pursue the Spirit alone but this text clearly links the Spirit’s work to the Word. How does this text make that link, and what does that mean for how we seek His wisdom?

  3. Not Getting It vs. Freely Given | Who “doesn’t get it” in this text? How does the text say God gives His Spirit and wisdom? What then is the key issue to depending on the Spirit?

TIP: This last question calls to mind Jesus and His parable of the 4 soils (Mt 13) — one’s belief, responsiveness, and intention to obey seems to greatly impact how God’s Spirit works in us. Consider reading on to 1 Cor. 3 and seeing how believers can be clouded by other motivations and fail to see the true work God does in our lives.

If we want a guide for how to live, we simply need to ask the Source!

In a Picture

With an identity anchored in God’s love and action, we simply need to:

  • Ask

  • Listen

  • Obey

Conversation #2
Jesus’ Example

💡 Bottom Line

In His life, death, and resurrection, Jesus depended on the Spirit. His example shows us how we could live.

📜 Read Together: Texts from Luke

REFERENCE: Luke 1:31-38; 2:52 (can also reference Isa. 11:1-2 here); 3:21-23; 4:1-2, 13-14; 4:16-21; (Acts 10:38 — Acts is like “volume 2” of Luke’s writing)

🙋 Ask a Question

TIP: Who do we see at every step of Jesus’ story and work while He lived in our world?

💬 Explain

Luke shows us that Jesus’ daily living, working, and mission were directed and empowered by the Holy Spirit.

(In the language of our Identity Triangle: that Jesus, the Son, followed the will of His Father and depended on the Spirit to do so.)

🙋 Ask a Question

TIP: But is that all? What about “beyond” His life and work?

📜 Read Together: Multiple Texts

REFERENCE: Acts 2:29-33; Hebrews 9:14; Romans 1:2-4

💬 Discuss: Romans 8:11

  • In light of this text, what is true for us?

  • This text looks forward to a future day and speaks to a power in you this day. How do both impact how you live today?

  • How is your perspective on life, discipleship, or the Spirit changing?

⏭️ Next: a look at the Spirit in the life of the disciples

Conversation #3
Disciples like Him

💡 Bottom Line

Jesus never leaves His disciples alone: He sends the Spirit to fill and empower disciples just like Him.

📌 Recall

  • What is true of our identity?

  • Who is the Source for our lives each day?

  • How do we depend on Him each day? (the Droplet)

🙋 Ask: The Spirit was an amazing part of Jesus’ life, but can we really expect the same for us?

CONSIDER: The question plays on our hesitation to really take God at His Word, often putting off to (1) how poorly we compare to Jesus or (2) how God would not / could not overcome our lack. It may be helpful to let the discussion linger here so as to draw out each person’s head/heart/hands before continuing.

📜 Read Together: Texts from John

REFERENCE: John 14:15-19; 16:4-7; 20:21-22.

💬 Discuss

  1. What’s Better | We often think it would be better for us if Jesus stayed and never left, but He disagrees. What does He say is better? Why?

  2. What’s Different | What’s different about having the Spirit with us rather than Jesus? How does this change our interactions with God?

  3. What’s Happening | In John 20, Jesus “breathes” on the disciples His Spirit. What does this scene remind you of? So what is happening here and now?

TIP: This last question calls to mind Genesis 2 — consider reading it, especially 2:4-7, to shed light on the scene in John. He is the source of life, wisdom, and everything good we need; this moment is nothing less than a “new creation” moment playing out. Are we open to see how this is also true of us today? (2 Cor 5:1-7, 17)

🙋 Ask: What is this incredible presence and power of the Spirit for?

CONSIDER: The question plays on our obsession our own interests and advantage. When offered great help or power, don’t we often think of what we could accomplish? Yet the Spirit is His own person, with His own will and emotions. What is it that He wants to accomplish in and through us?

📜 Read Together: Multiple Texts

REFERENCE: John 16:8, 13-14; Luke 24:44-49; Acts 1:4-5; 2:1-7; Galatians 5:16-26

Our identity is one of God’s family of servant missionaries. Our Source empowers us to fulfill that mission, both showing and telling the Gospel to those around us!

Conversation #4
Dependent Together

💡 Bottom Line

People learn through more than just being told something. We must aim to influence head, heart, and hands through Biblical teaching, modeling, experiences, reflection, and the work of the Spirit.

📌 Recall

  • What is true of our identity?

  • Who is the Source for our lives each day?

  • How do we depend on Him each day? (the Droplet)

  • What will He equip and empower us to do each day? (His mission)

🙋 Ask: How can we depend on the Spirit in our GC?

CONSIDER: The question helps to draw out each person’s head/heart/hands before continuing. We may still carry unanswered questions or different expectations, or we may be emphasizing only one aspect of the conversation (head vs. hands), or lack ways to act on it together.

📜 Read Together: 1 Corinthians 3:1-23

FOCUS ON: who it is that “gives the growth” and what our role is as “coworkers”

  • What are the warnings in this text? (Look for negative behaviors or attitudes to avoid)

  • What is true of God in this text? (What does He do or what has He done)

  • What is true of us in this text? (In light of who God is/what He has done, what is true for us)

  • How can we live in light of this? (What will do think / believe / do differently)

💬 Discuss

  1. Primary Discipler | We partner with God who causes the growth. What role do we play in His work? How does that redirect or encourage us? How does that challenge or engage us with new focus?

  2. Secondary Disciples | What attitudes did the text warn against? What threatens to harm the work of the Spirit in and through our GC? How does that challenge or engage us with new focus?

  3. What will Last | What endures or really matters in this text? How does that redirect or encourage us in GC? How does that challenge or engage us with new focus?

🙏 Pray together

TIP: Focus your prayer time on being a family of servant missionaries together who ask, listen, and obey every direction of the Holy Spirit…